6 Tips to Succeed on Camera

You’re officially going to be on camera for the first time! How should you prepare? Here are 6 tips that will help you look and sound your best on camera. Hollywood here you come!

  1. Dress your best.

    We advise avoiding tight patterns like small checkers or thin stripes that will create a moiré pattern effect on-camera. Shiny fabrics can often do the same. We also advise avoiding plain black and plain bright white tops. It is a good idea to bring an alternate change of clothes, in case the production team has a preference. If you’ll be on a green screen, make sure you avoid wearing green. Pro tip: You might be able to avoid your uncomfortable dress shoes if they won’t be visible on camera, so make sure to ask!

  2. Hydrate.

    It can get hot under bright production lighting, and talking for a long period of time can make your throat dry. If you want to go the extra mile, sip on something warm before speaking. This will help you avoid vocal fry and keep your voice from going hoarse in the long run. Being “camera-ready” is not only looking your best but sounding your best too.

  3. Ask about a stylist.

    If there will be a stylist doing hair and makeup on set, you may not need to be fully made up with your hair done (in fact, they may not want you to be). If there won’t be a hair and makeup artist, make sure you bring everything you need to do your own touch-ups, like face powder or a hairbrush.

  4. Prep your talking points.

    If you’re being interviewed, it’s always helpful to receive the questions in advance. That way, you can think about your answers. If there will be a script to follow, make sure to familiarize yourself with the wording. For long scripts, discuss using a teleprompter in advance.

  5. Try to speak in complete sentences.

    If you are being interviewed in a conversational style, it is often helpful to the production company if you speak in complete sentences. For example, imagine you are asked the question, “What is your favorite color?” Instead of answering, “Blue,” you would say, “My favorite color is blue.” Rephrasing the question in your answer provides the editor with more opportunities to fluidly contextual your responses in post-production.

  6. Relax.

    Remember, speaking on camera is different than speaking in front of an audience. The camera sees small details, and the sound will pick up what you say without you projecting. Editing will help you look your best, but the more comfortable you are on the shoot day, the better. A common mistake interview subjects make is to overthink their answers. It’s most engaging to watch people think, develop ideas as they come to them, and answer honestly and with vulnerability. The best way to do this is to relax and focus on speaking without judging yourself.


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